Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Chicken and Egg

Chicken and Egg What is the first

Chicken and Egg often to give a difficult condition of something that can called as "Buah Simalakama". If someone the first there is unavoid condition taken, if take the others will facing of other unavoid condition. Chicken and Egg also can draw about the condition that interrelated each others like the one condition that will describe here.

On the internet marketing the condition of page rank of certain web or certain part of blog address will be affected to the marketing successful. PageRank and Traffic, pagerank will effect to the traffic that will come to that site but traffic also will effect for increasing the page-rank of certain site. If certain site have high traffic will creat many inbound link to those site, so this condition actually will effect to each others.

This conditions is actually the rule of SEO marketing, search engine will more recognize site that often get traffic, either from search engine itself or from other website. More visitor come will more often search engine will store on their memory and will locate those address on the top of their search result, because many people is needed or looking for. Search engine will help people easy to find something that they are needed. If search engine can not help this system, it is mean that those search engine is not good or can't help of what want to find.

So, what come first chicken or egg? it should be build together to make our blog will get success at the end. We should work hard to get this success, so will no dilemma again with chicken and egg.
