Sunday, November 6, 2011

Natural Chicken Food

Natural Chicken Feed 

Naturally chicken will eat everything, but they more like to eat seed many kind of plant seed. In the open nature they are seek many thing and will eat what ever they are find. Chicken is not vegetarian, they will eat small animals like termite, cricket, and other small animals. Chicken may become vegerarian if people catch and enter into cage. Chicken that only eat vegetarian food because they are stay in the cage susceptible to disease.

Vegetarian fed chickens are pottentially undernourished. An all vegetarian diet is not natural for chicken, they need animal protein. The idea fed for chicken is free to roam grasslands that are not denuded by too many animals in one place, finding myriad bugs and eating lots of wild plants. Supplement is needed for chicken like fish meal, and also vegetables food means the leaf food that like grass but we can substitute with some plant from our kitchen.

A poultry farmer in England says their chickens can lay for 12 years or more. Fish meal is the biggest protein source for those very healthy birds.