Saturday, June 3, 2023

Make an Automatic Chicken Drinker Very Easy

As chicken breeders, of course, there are things that must be considered at certain times, because we cannot fully supervise and care for them. There are times when they have to be left for some time.

Now, when they are left behind, they need special attention, such as their need to drink and eat continuously. The solution to this solution is that we must have equipment that is automatic, does not need to be sophisticated but can automatically provide for their needs.

Their drinking needs really need to be considered, because chickens without food can last up to 1 week, but if they don't drink they can only last 3 days. If the chicken does not drink within 3 days, the chicken will die.

The following is a video on how to make a drinking cup that can be made automatically by yourself and is very easy to make:

Saturday, September 23, 2017

How to Choose Chicken Type

Variasi Ayam dan Keluarga Ayam

Ayam Varietas adalah ras atau keluarga ayam yang memiliki kesamaan dalam ukuran umum, bentuk atau profil, dan bakat. Semua varietas ayam akan memiliki ciri yang sama yaitu: warna kulit, varietas ini terbagi menjadi beberapa kelas. Banyak sekali golongan ayam yang pada umumnya diberi nama yang dikaitkan dengan tempat asalnya, seperti Amerika, Asiatik, Inggris, Mediteranian, dan sejenisnya. Anda dapat memilih jenis ayam yang ingin diternakkan tergantung pada kondisi lingkungan Anda, jenis ayam apa yang Anda pilih harus tahan terhadap penyakit ayam di tempat Anda. Untuk tempat tertentu harus ada jenis ayam yang cocok. Untuk semua ayam biasanya memiliki pakan ayam yang serupa bisa digunakan. Peternakan ayam

Untuk mulai membangun bisnis kecil di, ada tiga jenis varietas yang dapat dipilih berdasarkan tujuan budidaya, yaitu: ayam petelur , ayam pedaging atau ayam pedaging , atau ayam untuk kedua tujuan tersebut. Ayam petelur – Tubuh ayam relatif kecil. Produksi telur antara 250 sampai 280 pcs per tahun. Telur diproduksi pertama kali pada umur 5 bulan dan akan terus menghasilkan telur hingga mencapai umur 10 – 12 tahun. Umumnya produksi telur akan menjadi yang terbaik di tahun pertama ayam petelur mulai. Produksi telur pada tahun-tahun berikutnya biasanya akan menurun.

Ayam pedaging - AyamCornish Rock cross broiler merupakan salah satu jenis ayam broiler terbaik. Ini adalah hasil persilangan ayam dari Cornish dan Plymouth Rock. Ayam pedaging lain yang cukup baik adalah jenis ras Brahmas, Cochins, dan Cornish. Ayam broiler yang baik membutuhkan sekitar dua kilogram pakan ayam yang dikonsumsi untuk menghasilkan satu kilogram bobot badan. Ayam betina, umumnya dijual ke pasar dengan berat sekitar satu tiga perempat sampai dua setengah kg, sedangkan ayam jantan antara tiga sampai empat kg. Pertumbuhan ayam lebih cepat maka pertumbuhan ekonomi lebih terjaga. Ayam Serbaguna

– Ayam jenis ini merupakan campuran antara ayam petelur dan ayam pedaging. Dominiques, Plymouth Rocks, Sussex, Orpington, dan Wynadottes beberapa ayam dari ayam untuk multiguna. Ayam tradisional termasuk jenis ini. Telur ayam ini berwarna coklat dan mengasuh anaknya sendiri. Pada umumnya mereka tidak menghasilkan secepat berat badan ayam pedaging dan juga tidak menghasilkan telur ayam petelur. Ciri khas Ayam ini sebagai ayam yang dipelihara di halaman belakang rumah, atau disebut dengan ayam kampung. Peternak ayam mendapatkan telur untuk konsumsi sehari-hari dan tambahan daging yang terkadang mendapatkan kelebihan jumlah ayam dan ayam tua yang sudah tidak produktif lagi.

Ada banyak jenis ayam, lihat gambar masing-masing jenis ayam di bawah ini:

Ayam buff orpington

Penggemar Orpington

Ayam Batu Bared

Batu Terlarang

Golden Comet Chicken

Golden Comet

Black Giant Chicken

Black Giant

Cochin Chicken

Cochin Chicken

Silver Laced Chicken

Silver Laced

Wyandotle Chicken

Wyandotle Chicken


Chicken Feed Formula

Chicken Feed Recipe or Formula

Problematic on Chicken Farm is the prices of chicken feed is too expensive make farmer can’t get benefit from their farming. For large farming they can negotiate the price of chicken feed from industry directly so they can have low price for chicken feed. Big farming still can have high benefit of their farming even their product also can down too low for sell in huge party, if they don’t have market theirown.

To produce chicken feed by yourself, you need several raw materials as follows:

  • Corn and soybean meal: May be many base raw material to produce chicken feed but the usual use soybean meal and bran. Corn and soybean meal can provided in huge quantity and bran is a waste of rice mill that still content high protein.
  • Fish-meat or Meat meal: Additional protein for chicken feed need animal protein that can be taken from fish-meat or meat meal. Beside animal protein fish-meat and meat meal also provide calcium and phosphorous says about 2 percent on it. If you buy in shop you can get fish-meat powder.
  • Additional Calcium and Phosphorous: Chicken feed formulation still need additional calcium and phosphorous from other source.
  • Salt is add about 0.2 to 0.5% for poultry diet.
  • Lipids supplement: Lipids is important for poultry diet to increase energy utilization in your poultry by reducing the passage rate. Lipid also reduce heat increment.
  • Yellow pigment: yellow pigment is use to make egg yolk color, if no yellow pigment on your poultry feed then egg yolk can have pale color, this is not interested, but too much yellow pigment can make all organ color become yellow. The best pigment color is from corn or maize, because this is a natural yellow pigment.
  • Other additional additives like antibiotics can be added to control diseases and stimulate the growth of chicken. Different country can be different name of antibiotic for chicken sold in the market.

Maize bran

Fish meat powder

Calcium powder

Nutrient Composition of Chicken Feed

The percentage of stater and grower are little different for stater and Grower. For Grower chicken need carbohydrate content higher than stater but stater need higher protein than grower.

Here are the compositions, the unit is on weight % of each component:

Coarse ground grain (corn, wheat, barley, oat groats, etc)
  • Stater = 45.5
  • Grower = 49
Wheat bran, mill feed, rice bran, milling by product, etc:
  • Stater = 12
  • Grower = 18
Soybean meal, peanut meal, canola meal, pea meal, sunflower meal, sasame meal, lentil meal, chickpea meal, etc.:
  • Stater = 28
  • Grower = 18.5
Fish meat, meat meal, bood meal:
  • Stater = 5
  • Grower = 5
Alfafa meal or other vegetable meal:
  • Stater = 4
  • Grower = 4
  • Vitamin supplement: as enough need by poultry feed this any their own formulation of each type of vitamin product.
  • Salt with trace minerals: 0.5 % for all chicken feed.
  • Bone meal, deflourinated dicalcium phosphate need 2% for all chicken feed type.
  • Ground lymestone, marble, oyster shell, etc. Need 1 – 2 percent.


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Chicken Pox

Chicken Pox Disease

Chickenpox or chicken pox is not a chicken diseases, but chicken pox is a disease that cause by infection of varicella zoster virus (VZV). It generally starts with a vesicular skin rash, person who get this diseases will feel itchy raw pockmarks, small open sores.

This diseases can spread through people to people by direct contact or by air because coughing or sneezing, also can spread from contact to secretions. Following primary infection there is usually lifelong protective immunity from further episodes of chickenpox. Chickenpox has an incubation period of 10 to 21 days, but rarely fatal and generally more severe in adult people than in children. The most dangerous if chicken pox disease is infected to pregnant women and those with a suppressed immune system are at highest risk of serious complication. Further effect of this disease if late to be treated can cause late complication of chicken pox is shingles.

Avoid from this viruses infection are always give to a pregnancy treat by immunization or vaccination. Women who are immune then will not infected by these viruses. If infection happen during the first of 28 week of gestation, this can cause of fetal varicella syndrome. Further effect to the baby can be underdeveloped toes and fingers and can cause severe anal and bladder malformation. The other effect to the baby that infected by this virus as follows:
  • Damage to brain, such as encephalitis, microcephaly, hydrocephaly, aplasia and others.
  • Damage of eye, cause of many eye disease such as optic stalk, optic cap, and lens vesicles.
  • Damage to body, such as hypoplasia of upper/lower extremities and bladder sphincter dysfunction
  • Skin Disorders and skin lesions.


Chicken and Egg

Chicken and Egg What is the first

Chicken and Egg often to give a difficult condition of something that can called as "Buah Simalakama". If someone the first there is unavoid condition taken, if take the others will facing of other unavoid condition. Chicken and Egg also can draw about the condition that interrelated each others like the one condition that will describe here.

On the internet marketing the condition of page rank of certain web or certain part of blog address will be affected to the marketing successful. PageRank and Traffic, pagerank will effect to the traffic that will come to that site but traffic also will effect for increasing the page-rank of certain site. If certain site have high traffic will creat many inbound link to those site, so this condition actually will effect to each others.

This conditions is actually the rule of SEO marketing, search engine will more recognize site that often get traffic, either from search engine itself or from other website. More visitor come will more often search engine will store on their memory and will locate those address on the top of their search result, because many people is needed or looking for. Search engine will help people easy to find something that they are needed. If search engine can not help this system, it is mean that those search engine is not good or can't help of what want to find.

So, what come first chicken or egg? it should be build together to make our blog will get success at the end. We should work hard to get this success, so will no dilemma again with chicken and egg.


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Avian Bird Flu

Avian Bird Flu Disease

This chicken disease is influenza like as in human that hosted by bird or chicken. Actually, this virus can’t infect mammal at the first, but after mutation the virus can infect mammal like human, monkey, and other mammal. Firs identify that people infected by Avian bird flu was in the early of 1900s and now have been spread all over the world.

Have known along about 1997 ago that the strain of H5N1-type of Avian influenza virus can merge a source of pandemic. This strain can infect mammal such pigs (swine), horses, seals, whales and human. Flu virus that infect to swine then develop itself into a stronger virus called as swine flu, and flu virus that infect to bird become avian bird flu.

This avian flu virus sometime spread very fast if the air condition is suitable for the life rather long in air for this virus. By the winds blow this virus spread to their suitable environment and will infect every body. Beside avian bird flu can attack human, this virus also attack chicken, because chicken is include of bird class. Avian bird flue can spread very fast just in one day certain chicken farm can loose their thousand of chickens.


Chicken Diseases

Many Kind of Chicken Diseases

If you want to build a chicken farm you must know of many kind of chicken diseases. Some of chicken diseases can be cured but many of chicken diseases can't be cured or relative hard to be cured or too expensive to be cured.
  • Aspergillosis , diseases that cause by Aspergilus
  • Avian influenza (bird flu) - most well-known chicken-related disease
  • Blackhead disease: Blackhead disease (also known simply as blackhead) is a commercially important avian disease that affects chickens, turkeys and other poultry.
  • Botulism
  • Cage Layer Fatigue
  • Chicken Moronic Disease
  • Coccidiosis
  • Colds
  • Crop bound
  • Crop Mycosis / Trhush - Moniliasis - characterized by whitish thickened areas of the crop and proventriculus, erosions in the gizzard, and inflammation of the vent area.
  • Egg bound
  • Erysipelas
  • Fatty Liver Hemorrhagic Syndrome: Fatty Liver Hemorrhagic Syndrome is a disease that affects the liver of chickens and other birds.
  • Fowl Cholera
  • Fowl pox: Fowlpox is a worldwide disease of poultry caused by viruses of the family Poxviridae and the genus Avipoxvirus.
  • Fowl Typhoid
  • Gallid herpesvirus 1 Also known as Infectious Laryngotracheitis or LT: Gallid herpesvirus 1 (GaHV-1) (also known as Avian herpesvirus ) is a virus of the family Herpesviridae that causes avian infectious laryngotracheitis.
  • Infectious Bronchitis
  • Infectious Bursal Disease
  • Infectious Coryza
  • Lymphoid Leucosis
  • Marek's disease
  • Moniliasis (Crop Mycosis, Thrush) - characterized by whitish thickened areas of the crop and proventriculus, erosions in the gizzard, and inflammation of the vent area.
  • Mycoplasmas
  • Newcastle disease
  • Necrotic Enteritis
  • Omphalitis (Mushy chick disease)
  • Prolapse (in egg layers)
  • Psittacosis
  • Pullorum (Salmonella)
  • Scaly leg
  • Squamous cell carcinoma
  • Tibial dyschondroplasia: Tibial dyschondroplasia (TD) is a metabolic disease of young poultry that affects the growth of bone and cartilage. Often occurs in broilers (chickens raised for meat) and other poultry which have been bred for fast growth rates.
  • Toxoplasmosis
  • Ulcerative Enteritis
How the best formula of Chicken Feed find on Chicken Feed Formula.
