Saturday, September 23, 2017

How to Choose Chicken Type

Variasi Ayam dan Keluarga Ayam

Ayam Varietas adalah ras atau keluarga ayam yang memiliki kesamaan dalam ukuran umum, bentuk atau profil, dan bakat. Semua varietas ayam akan memiliki ciri yang sama yaitu: warna kulit, varietas ini terbagi menjadi beberapa kelas. Banyak sekali golongan ayam yang pada umumnya diberi nama yang dikaitkan dengan tempat asalnya, seperti Amerika, Asiatik, Inggris, Mediteranian, dan sejenisnya. Anda dapat memilih jenis ayam yang ingin diternakkan tergantung pada kondisi lingkungan Anda, jenis ayam apa yang Anda pilih harus tahan terhadap penyakit ayam di tempat Anda. Untuk tempat tertentu harus ada jenis ayam yang cocok. Untuk semua ayam biasanya memiliki pakan ayam yang serupa bisa digunakan. Peternakan ayam

Untuk mulai membangun bisnis kecil di, ada tiga jenis varietas yang dapat dipilih berdasarkan tujuan budidaya, yaitu: ayam petelur , ayam pedaging atau ayam pedaging , atau ayam untuk kedua tujuan tersebut. Ayam petelur – Tubuh ayam relatif kecil. Produksi telur antara 250 sampai 280 pcs per tahun. Telur diproduksi pertama kali pada umur 5 bulan dan akan terus menghasilkan telur hingga mencapai umur 10 – 12 tahun. Umumnya produksi telur akan menjadi yang terbaik di tahun pertama ayam petelur mulai. Produksi telur pada tahun-tahun berikutnya biasanya akan menurun.

Ayam pedaging - AyamCornish Rock cross broiler merupakan salah satu jenis ayam broiler terbaik. Ini adalah hasil persilangan ayam dari Cornish dan Plymouth Rock. Ayam pedaging lain yang cukup baik adalah jenis ras Brahmas, Cochins, dan Cornish. Ayam broiler yang baik membutuhkan sekitar dua kilogram pakan ayam yang dikonsumsi untuk menghasilkan satu kilogram bobot badan. Ayam betina, umumnya dijual ke pasar dengan berat sekitar satu tiga perempat sampai dua setengah kg, sedangkan ayam jantan antara tiga sampai empat kg. Pertumbuhan ayam lebih cepat maka pertumbuhan ekonomi lebih terjaga. Ayam Serbaguna

– Ayam jenis ini merupakan campuran antara ayam petelur dan ayam pedaging. Dominiques, Plymouth Rocks, Sussex, Orpington, dan Wynadottes beberapa ayam dari ayam untuk multiguna. Ayam tradisional termasuk jenis ini. Telur ayam ini berwarna coklat dan mengasuh anaknya sendiri. Pada umumnya mereka tidak menghasilkan secepat berat badan ayam pedaging dan juga tidak menghasilkan telur ayam petelur. Ciri khas Ayam ini sebagai ayam yang dipelihara di halaman belakang rumah, atau disebut dengan ayam kampung. Peternak ayam mendapatkan telur untuk konsumsi sehari-hari dan tambahan daging yang terkadang mendapatkan kelebihan jumlah ayam dan ayam tua yang sudah tidak produktif lagi.

Ada banyak jenis ayam, lihat gambar masing-masing jenis ayam di bawah ini:

Ayam buff orpington

Penggemar Orpington

Ayam Batu Bared

Batu Terlarang

Golden Comet Chicken

Golden Comet

Black Giant Chicken

Black Giant

Cochin Chicken

Cochin Chicken

Silver Laced Chicken

Silver Laced

Wyandotle Chicken

Wyandotle Chicken


Chicken Feed Formula

Chicken Feed Recipe or Formula

Problematic on Chicken Farm is the prices of chicken feed is too expensive make farmer can’t get benefit from their farming. For large farming they can negotiate the price of chicken feed from industry directly so they can have low price for chicken feed. Big farming still can have high benefit of their farming even their product also can down too low for sell in huge party, if they don’t have market theirown.

To produce chicken feed by yourself, you need several raw materials as follows:

  • Corn and soybean meal: May be many base raw material to produce chicken feed but the usual use soybean meal and bran. Corn and soybean meal can provided in huge quantity and bran is a waste of rice mill that still content high protein.
  • Fish-meat or Meat meal: Additional protein for chicken feed need animal protein that can be taken from fish-meat or meat meal. Beside animal protein fish-meat and meat meal also provide calcium and phosphorous says about 2 percent on it. If you buy in shop you can get fish-meat powder.
  • Additional Calcium and Phosphorous: Chicken feed formulation still need additional calcium and phosphorous from other source.
  • Salt is add about 0.2 to 0.5% for poultry diet.
  • Lipids supplement: Lipids is important for poultry diet to increase energy utilization in your poultry by reducing the passage rate. Lipid also reduce heat increment.
  • Yellow pigment: yellow pigment is use to make egg yolk color, if no yellow pigment on your poultry feed then egg yolk can have pale color, this is not interested, but too much yellow pigment can make all organ color become yellow. The best pigment color is from corn or maize, because this is a natural yellow pigment.
  • Other additional additives like antibiotics can be added to control diseases and stimulate the growth of chicken. Different country can be different name of antibiotic for chicken sold in the market.

Maize bran

Fish meat powder

Calcium powder

Nutrient Composition of Chicken Feed

The percentage of stater and grower are little different for stater and Grower. For Grower chicken need carbohydrate content higher than stater but stater need higher protein than grower.

Here are the compositions, the unit is on weight % of each component:

Coarse ground grain (corn, wheat, barley, oat groats, etc)
  • Stater = 45.5
  • Grower = 49
Wheat bran, mill feed, rice bran, milling by product, etc:
  • Stater = 12
  • Grower = 18
Soybean meal, peanut meal, canola meal, pea meal, sunflower meal, sasame meal, lentil meal, chickpea meal, etc.:
  • Stater = 28
  • Grower = 18.5
Fish meat, meat meal, bood meal:
  • Stater = 5
  • Grower = 5
Alfafa meal or other vegetable meal:
  • Stater = 4
  • Grower = 4
  • Vitamin supplement: as enough need by poultry feed this any their own formulation of each type of vitamin product.
  • Salt with trace minerals: 0.5 % for all chicken feed.
  • Bone meal, deflourinated dicalcium phosphate need 2% for all chicken feed type.
  • Ground lymestone, marble, oyster shell, etc. Need 1 – 2 percent.


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Chicken Pox

Chicken Pox Disease

Chickenpox or chicken pox is not a chicken diseases, but chicken pox is a disease that cause by infection of varicella zoster virus (VZV). It generally starts with a vesicular skin rash, person who get this diseases will feel itchy raw pockmarks, small open sores.

This diseases can spread through people to people by direct contact or by air because coughing or sneezing, also can spread from contact to secretions. Following primary infection there is usually lifelong protective immunity from further episodes of chickenpox. Chickenpox has an incubation period of 10 to 21 days, but rarely fatal and generally more severe in adult people than in children. The most dangerous if chicken pox disease is infected to pregnant women and those with a suppressed immune system are at highest risk of serious complication. Further effect of this disease if late to be treated can cause late complication of chicken pox is shingles.

Avoid from this viruses infection are always give to a pregnancy treat by immunization or vaccination. Women who are immune then will not infected by these viruses. If infection happen during the first of 28 week of gestation, this can cause of fetal varicella syndrome. Further effect to the baby can be underdeveloped toes and fingers and can cause severe anal and bladder malformation. The other effect to the baby that infected by this virus as follows:
  • Damage to brain, such as encephalitis, microcephaly, hydrocephaly, aplasia and others.
  • Damage of eye, cause of many eye disease such as optic stalk, optic cap, and lens vesicles.
  • Damage to body, such as hypoplasia of upper/lower extremities and bladder sphincter dysfunction
  • Skin Disorders and skin lesions.


Chicken and Egg

Chicken and Egg What is the first

Chicken and Egg often to give a difficult condition of something that can called as "Buah Simalakama". If someone the first there is unavoid condition taken, if take the others will facing of other unavoid condition. Chicken and Egg also can draw about the condition that interrelated each others like the one condition that will describe here.

On the internet marketing the condition of page rank of certain web or certain part of blog address will be affected to the marketing successful. PageRank and Traffic, pagerank will effect to the traffic that will come to that site but traffic also will effect for increasing the page-rank of certain site. If certain site have high traffic will creat many inbound link to those site, so this condition actually will effect to each others.

This conditions is actually the rule of SEO marketing, search engine will more recognize site that often get traffic, either from search engine itself or from other website. More visitor come will more often search engine will store on their memory and will locate those address on the top of their search result, because many people is needed or looking for. Search engine will help people easy to find something that they are needed. If search engine can not help this system, it is mean that those search engine is not good or can't help of what want to find.

So, what come first chicken or egg? it should be build together to make our blog will get success at the end. We should work hard to get this success, so will no dilemma again with chicken and egg.


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Avian Bird Flu

Avian Bird Flu Disease

This chicken disease is influenza like as in human that hosted by bird or chicken. Actually, this virus can’t infect mammal at the first, but after mutation the virus can infect mammal like human, monkey, and other mammal. Firs identify that people infected by Avian bird flu was in the early of 1900s and now have been spread all over the world.

Have known along about 1997 ago that the strain of H5N1-type of Avian influenza virus can merge a source of pandemic. This strain can infect mammal such pigs (swine), horses, seals, whales and human. Flu virus that infect to swine then develop itself into a stronger virus called as swine flu, and flu virus that infect to bird become avian bird flu.

This avian flu virus sometime spread very fast if the air condition is suitable for the life rather long in air for this virus. By the winds blow this virus spread to their suitable environment and will infect every body. Beside avian bird flu can attack human, this virus also attack chicken, because chicken is include of bird class. Avian bird flue can spread very fast just in one day certain chicken farm can loose their thousand of chickens.


Chicken Diseases

Many Kind of Chicken Diseases

If you want to build a chicken farm you must know of many kind of chicken diseases. Some of chicken diseases can be cured but many of chicken diseases can't be cured or relative hard to be cured or too expensive to be cured.
  • Aspergillosis , diseases that cause by Aspergilus
  • Avian influenza (bird flu) - most well-known chicken-related disease
  • Blackhead disease: Blackhead disease (also known simply as blackhead) is a commercially important avian disease that affects chickens, turkeys and other poultry.
  • Botulism
  • Cage Layer Fatigue
  • Chicken Moronic Disease
  • Coccidiosis
  • Colds
  • Crop bound
  • Crop Mycosis / Trhush - Moniliasis - characterized by whitish thickened areas of the crop and proventriculus, erosions in the gizzard, and inflammation of the vent area.
  • Egg bound
  • Erysipelas
  • Fatty Liver Hemorrhagic Syndrome: Fatty Liver Hemorrhagic Syndrome is a disease that affects the liver of chickens and other birds.
  • Fowl Cholera
  • Fowl pox: Fowlpox is a worldwide disease of poultry caused by viruses of the family Poxviridae and the genus Avipoxvirus.
  • Fowl Typhoid
  • Gallid herpesvirus 1 Also known as Infectious Laryngotracheitis or LT: Gallid herpesvirus 1 (GaHV-1) (also known as Avian herpesvirus ) is a virus of the family Herpesviridae that causes avian infectious laryngotracheitis.
  • Infectious Bronchitis
  • Infectious Bursal Disease
  • Infectious Coryza
  • Lymphoid Leucosis
  • Marek's disease
  • Moniliasis (Crop Mycosis, Thrush) - characterized by whitish thickened areas of the crop and proventriculus, erosions in the gizzard, and inflammation of the vent area.
  • Mycoplasmas
  • Newcastle disease
  • Necrotic Enteritis
  • Omphalitis (Mushy chick disease)
  • Prolapse (in egg layers)
  • Psittacosis
  • Pullorum (Salmonella)
  • Scaly leg
  • Squamous cell carcinoma
  • Tibial dyschondroplasia: Tibial dyschondroplasia (TD) is a metabolic disease of young poultry that affects the growth of bone and cartilage. Often occurs in broilers (chickens raised for meat) and other poultry which have been bred for fast growth rates.
  • Toxoplasmosis
  • Ulcerative Enteritis
How the best formula of Chicken Feed find on Chicken Feed Formula.


Monday, September 4, 2017

Chicken Type

Many Kind of Chicken

There are many kinds of Chicken, the different chicken can see through the combs type. The anatomy of a chicken is rather similar. There are eight distinctive types of combs on chickens and roosters: rose, strawberry, silkiest, single, cushion, buttercup, pea, and V-shaped.

The Rose is a solid, broad and nearly flat comb on top. It is a low, fleshly comb that concludes in a well-developed tapering spike at the back. It may turn upward as in Hamburg breeds, be nearly horizontal as in Rose Comb Leghorn breeds, or follow the contour of the head as in Wyandotte breeds. The top surface of the main part should be slightly convex and studded with small rounded protuberances. The general shape varies in the different breeds.

The Strawberry is a low comb that is set well-forward. The shape and surface resemble the outer part of half a strawberry with a large end nearest the beak of the chicken. The Strawberry is a low comb that is set well-forward. The shape and surface resemble the outer part of half a strawberry with a large end nearest the beak of the chicken.

The Silkiest is an almost round, somewhat lumpy comb, inclined to be greater in width than length; covered with small corrugations on top and crossed with a narrow transverse indentation slightly to the front of the comb. Sometimes two or three small rear points are hidden by a crest, others are without points. Generally they are considered to be genetically a rose comb changed by a rose comb.

The Single comb is a moderately thin, fleshy formation of smooth soft surface texture, firmly attached from the beak along the top of the skull with a strong base. The top portion shows five or six rather deep serrations or distinct points, the middle points being higher than the back or front, forming a semi-oval shape when viewed from the side. The comb is always upright and much larger and thicker in males than in females. It may be lopped or upright in the female. This depends on the breed. The comb is divided into three sections: the front, the middle and that extending past the rear base of the skull, the posterior or blade.

The Cushion is a solid low, moderately small comb; smooth on top, the front, rear and sides are nearly straight with rounded corners. It has no spikes.

The Buttercup consists of a single leader from base of beak to a cup-shaped crown set firmly on the centre of the skull and completely surmounted by a circle of regular points. The cavity within the circle of points is deep, the texture of the comb is fine.

The Pea is a medium length, low comb, the top of which is marked with three low lengthwise ridges, the centre one is slightly higher that the outer ones. The outer ones are either undulated or marked with small rounded serrations. This is a breed characteristic that is found in Brahmas, Buckeyes, Cornish, Cubalayas and Sumatras.
The V-Shaped comb is formed of two well defined horn like sections that are joined at their base, as in breeds such as Houdans, Polish, Crevecoeurs, LeFleche and Sultans.

Both the male and female have distinctive wattles, a fleshy piece of hanging skin under their beak and combs. These organs help to cool the bird by redirecting blood-flow to the skin. In males, the combs are often more prominent, though this is not the case in all varieties.

The largest chicken egg on record weighed over 12 ounces and measured 14 inches round.

The heaviest chicken is 22 lbs. (10 kg approx.) and belonged to Grant Sullens of West Point, California, USA. This breed of chicken is a' White Sully'. It is known to have a very mean temper as it has been reported to have killed two cats and wounded a dog.


Turkeys, Ducks, Geese

 Chicken Cages and Houses

Most breeders of poultry in the United States subscribe to the National Poultry Improvement Plan sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture and administered by official state agencies. Under this federal program, chicken houses and hatcheries must conform to sanitary standards; blood tests on folks are periodically conducted as a safeguard against pullorum and other diseases, pedigreed male breeding stocks are determined, and pullets are trapnested to ascertain their egg laying performances. As a result of such measures and also of selective breeding and careful feeding, the flesh of the modern chicken is healthy and more tender than its range raised predecessor. Moreover, chickens today mature faster and, consequently, the cost of chicken feed them is low in comparison to other kinds of farm-raised of feeding livestock.


Descended from the wild turkey, which is native to America and flourishes in some section of the United States, the domesticated turkey is second in importance to the chicken in both Canada and the United States. A land bird capable of flight unless wing-clipped. It is bred and raised mainly for its meat. Turkeys are bred, raised, and processed very much like chickens and are ready for marketing at 18 to 22 weeks.


Ducks are web footed waterflowl, like chickens, they may be bred and raised for egg-laying as well as for meat. The Khaki Campbell breed, for example, which is raised only for egg production, can actually lay just as many eggs as any breed of hen raised for the same purpose.

The most popular duck in the United States is the White Pekin. A meaty bird, the average weight of the adult male is about 4 kg (9 lb). The ducks are usually marketed at lesser weight, however. Their profit earning potential is enhanced by the demand for duck feathers and down among manufacturers of bedding materials.

Ducks are slaughtered, bled, scalded, and rough-picked in one continuous machine operation. To remove the duck’s valuable feathers, their carcasses must be dipped in a hot, resinous wax, which is cooled to harden and then removed by machine with all feather intact.


Geese are restless, aggressive, and intelligent birds. Also waterflowl, they are much larger in size than ducks, with adult ganders often reaching more than 12 kg (approximately 26 lb) in live weight. Geese are bred and raised for their meat and feathers. Because their egg-laying capabilities are much less than those of chickens and ducks, their eggs are reserved for incubation to assure reproduction of the species.


Chicken Diseases (Health Chicken Sign)

For chicken farm must be careful to chicken diseases, because chicken diseases is very often make the farmer become bankrupt. Chicken diseases are very easy to sent to other chicken, for this reason if there is an indication of sick better to relocated to other place and long distance to health chicken. Sometimes chicken dead not because of certain chicken diseases, dehydration because of sun light too hot also often make chicken die. 

Please make sure that your local vet will see chickens before there is a problem as many don't, especially in cities. If you can, look for a vet that specializes in birds as chickens share a lot of the same chicken diseases with other birds. We have to travel for over an hour just to see a chicken-friendly vet.If you can diagnose a chicken, or at least narrow down what you think it may be then this will often help your vet enormously, as many are not experienced in such things. A copy of 'The Chicken Health Handbook' by Gail Damerow is invaluable, as it has a wonderful diagnostics section, detailing diseases by what it affects, then age and precise symptoms. There is a list of poultry friendly vets in every issue of Practical Poultry, a UK magazine. However, there is only a very small number there so if you are not near one I suggest you look in your local yellow pages / phone book.

Signs of Chicken is Health

Signs of Health Physical
  • Comb - correct size and colour, look for changes
  • Eyes - bright and clear
  • Gait - alert and upright
  • Feathers - Smooth, shiny and in place
  • Tail - carried correctly
  • Legs - clean
  • No fleas or lice
  • Breathing - good, not rattling, no discharge
  • Droppings - firm and dark with white tip
  • Bodyweight - correct for age and breed. Weight loss is always a cause for concern.
  • Smell - smells warm and pleasant (sniff nostrils and vent)
  • Behavior
  • Noises - calm, contented, not silent
  • Feeding and drinking normally
  • Laying if hen and of a suitable age
  • Putting on weight if still growing (up to around 18 weeks of age, although some breeds, like the Jersey Giant, can take up to 6 months)
  • Moving around
  • Preening
  • Perching
  • Dust bathing or sunbathing
  • Sparring or mock fighting - in young birds
  • Chickens have a normal body temperature of 103 degrees Fahrenheit (39.4 degrees Celsius). This high body temperature means that a chicken can cope with most bacteria, which is important given that they are scavenger feeders. However, this should not be an excuse for poor hygiene or coop cleaning.
Disease Prevention

There are a few major things that you can do to reduce chicken disease:
  1. Make sure your chickens get a balanced diet, taking into account their age.
  2. Keep your coop fairly clean.
  3. Make sure food is kept clean and dry and not used after the use-by date (generally 2-3 months after purchase for mash and pellets).
  4. Make sure water is clean. Prevent feces from falling in by putting it at back height, and don't let anything else get in either. For example, rotting organic matter in the water causes botulism, which can kill.


Sunday, September 3, 2017

Chicken Farm after Bird Flu

Bird Flu have broken all the chicken farm in many countries, especially in South East Asia. After the forced to loose their farm because of bird flu attack, many farmers still phobia to start their business again on chicken breeding. Bird flu don't just attack to broiler and layer chicken but also attack to domestic chicken.

While bird flu is wreaking havoc in south East Asia, a chicken farm in east China's Fujian Province plans to raise 60 percent more chicken this year, expanding its flock from 3 million to 5 million. Guangze Shengnong Enterprise Ltd. farm is the largest chicken provider to areas south of the Yangtze River.

Bird flu has killed so many chickens and ducks in southeastern Asia that production capacity would take a long time to return to normal when the crisis ended, Fu said.

The avian flu virus or bird flu virus spread only in temperatures less than 15 degrees Celsius and would disappear when it turned warm in April and May and the market would revive just as it did after the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) last year, Fusaid.

During the SARS outbreak, some countries prohibited imports of Chinese poultry products and some of China's overseas markets were taken by other southeastern Asian countries.

Since bird flu broke out in Vietnam last year, the farm has been on alert. All workers are required to shower and be disinfected before entering work areas. Workers are forbidden to bring poultry products from outside. Rats and sparrows are exterminated in the vicinity by workers mobilized to kill possible virus carriers.

The farm also boasts a special location at the southern end of the scenic Wuyi Mountain chain. The clean air, clear water and low population flow help reduce virus transmission, Fu said.

Some experts see the investment as rash, while others reckon its courageous and will achieve huge profits when the crisis is over. China produces over 40 percent of the world's eggs and 12 million tons of chicken annually, about 19 percent of the world's total.


Chicken Feed

Chicken Feed For Small to Adult Chicken

Chicken feed is vary from small to adult chicken, for small chicken need more calorie for their growth, and for their health need protein and vitamin. In nature such as domestic chickens will consume 30% of their calories from grass, if allowed to truly "free range." Since grass is very low in calories, another thing chicken’s need is animal protein. Chickens are omnivores, just like the humans they've kept company with for all these millennia.

Chicken feeds are produce by Industry that usually mixed with waste of food Industry
Chicken Feed

The feed formula for chicken also as a nature will arrange by their selves, but if people look after in a cage, this composition may be neglected. This condition can make the chicken immunity to certain diseases will decrease. Mass-producers of poultry are certainly leery of disease, which might bring about the destruction of their entire laying flock. The important thing to compose of chicken feed are the nutrition composition must fulfill the needed for chicken grows and egg production.

But, strictly vegetarian-fed chickens are potentially undernourished. An all-vegetarian diet is not natural for them ~ they need animal protein. The ideal is for a chicken to be free to roam grasslands that are not denuded by too many animals in one place, finding myriad bugs and eating lots of wild plants. If supplemented with grains, and especially with fish meal, these chickens will be the healthiest around, and live and lay eggs for many, many years.

Chickens that are free to consume as much living grass as they want, along with the myriad other living things in a natural grassland or meadow, give significant health benefits to the consumer today, just as this poultry diet has done for the thousands of years of domestication of the chicken. Meat and eggs from grass-fed poultry, which is very low in fat, have high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids. Eggs from "pastured" (another form of "grass-fed") poultry, high in omega-3 fatty acids, will lower one's "bad cholesterol" and raise the "good cholesterol." More and more consensus is emerging that grass-fed or pastured poultry eggs are good for the heart, and that not only should they not be avoided, they should be specifically included in the diet.

There are two main kinds of fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6. We need approximately equal amounts of the O-3's and the O-6's in our bodies. But, because of not allowing our feed animals to eat grass (even cows don't eat much grass any more ~ they eat largely corn), we are getting huge proportions of Omega-6 fatty acids, and very little Omega-3.

When we are oversupplied with Omega-6, our "bad cholesterol" rises, and our "good cholesterol" stays low. When we get equal amounts of Omega-3's and -6's, the good cholesterol rises and the bad cholesterol drops. But our diets have been so high in Omega-6 for so long, we really need to focus almost exclusively on eating Omega-3-rich foods to balance the levels out.

Poultry, however, needs some grain in the diet. It is very difficult to raise 100% grass-fed poultry. Tests show that even greatly-reduced-grain ration in poultry diets, supplemented with very large free-range grass consumption, still produces meat that is relatively high in Omega-6's compared to the meat and milk of grass-fed ruminants.

Chicken Breeding

The important thing on chicken farm is the quality of DOC chicken. To have a good quality of chicken, a breeder can buy from chicken producer. They have select a good quality chicken and make a chicken hybrid from many kinds of chicken. Chicken breeder can not breed their own chicken producer because the chicken mains is a result of long experiment. Even many farmer already try from their own chicken to breed because DOC price too expensive for them.

A breed of chicken is a family of birds that have the same general size, shape and carriage. All birds in this family will share the same characteristics, i.e. skin color, plumage style, and number of toes. Breeds of chickens are divided into classes. Large fowl classes generally refer to their place of origin i.e. American, Asiatic, English, Mediterranean, and other. Bantam breeds are classified by characteristics, i.e. Game, comb style, leg feathering.


A smaller bird that will lay between 250 - 280 eggs per year. They will begin to produce at 5 months of age and will continue for ten to twelve years. In reality, the first year of production is the best and there is a decline in production after the first season. You can choose between brown and white egg layers. The Leghorn is the best of the white egg layers however they can flighty and high-strung. Other breeds laying white eggs include Minorcas, Anconas, and the California Whites. The Production Red is the best of the brown egg layers. This hybrid bird is a cross between Rhode Island Reds and New Hampshire. Rhode Island Reds and New Hampshires are good brown egg layers.

Meat Production Breeds

The Cornish Rock cross is the meat production bird. This breed is a cross between Cornish and Plymouth Rock. The Cornish Rock cross will consume two pounds of feed for each pound gained. Keep in mind that broilers/fryers are butchered at three and a half to five pounds and roasters are butchered at six to eight lbs. The quicker a bird makes the weight gain the more economical it is to raise. Other breeds that are considered meat production birds are Brahmas, Cochins, and Cornish.

Dual Purpose Breeds

These birds are a compromise between the egg layers and the meat producers. They generally don't put on weight as fast as the meat breeds nor do they lay as many eggs as the egg layers. They are the typical backyard flock type birds. You will have a nice supply of eggs and the excess roosters and older hens will provide a good chicken dinner. Dominiques, Plymouth Rocks, Sussex, Orpington, and Wyandottes are examples of dual purpose birds. Dual purpose birds are generally hardy and self-reliant. They lay brown eggs and will brood their chicks.

Those kind of chicken is taken from their chicken habitat, and select from a good quality. A good quality chicken is based on certain criterion that they already determine as their experience. From their founding, the chicken producer will sell all their chicken product to the chicken breeder.


Saturday, September 2, 2017

Domestic Chicken

The chicken, Gallus gallus or G. dometicus is a domestic fowl, probably the most common bird in the world. It is raised for meat, eggs, and by products such as feathers; for sport; and as a hobby. Developed chiefly from the red jungle fowl (G. gallus) of Southeast Asia, the chicken has been fully domesticated for at least 4,000 years. Chicken were kept for their eggs, and when the birds grew too old to lay, they were used for meat. The development of different breeds of chickens either for egg laying or for meat production, the transfer of farming operations indoors were the environment can be controlled, and the use of sophisticated mass production techniques led to the modernization of the chicken industry.

Most chicken range in weight from 3 to 4.5 kg (7 to 10 lb), with the large breeds reaching about 6 kg (13 lb) and some bantams only 670 g (1.5 lb). Hens start laying at 22 weeks of age. During the hen’s most productive period, an egg may laid about every other day for most of the year. Eggs hatch in 21 days. Domestic chicken for consumption may just age 2 to 3 months being sold to consume.

The chicken is most widespread of all domestic fowl. Popular types are the Cornish, a deep-breasted Enlish breed grown for its meat, and the Leghorn, a Mediterranean breed that is the world’s leading egg producers.


General Chicken habitat

In the U.S.A., Canada and Australia, adult male chickens are known as roosters; in the UK they are known as cocks. Males under a year old are cockerels. Castrated roosters are called capons (though both surgical and chemical castration are now illegal in some parts of the world). Females over a year old are known as hens, and younger females are pullets. In Australia and New Zealand (also sometimes in Britain), there is a useful generic term chock (rhymes with "book") to describe all ages and both genders. Babies are called chicks, and the meat is called chicken. Industry have their own definition for this, child of chicken called as DOC, chicken for consumption called as Broiler and chicken for egg called as Layer.

"Chicken" was originally the word only for chicks, and the species as a whole was then called domestic fowl, or just fowl. This use of "chicken" survives in the phrase "Hen and Chickens," sometimes used as a UK pub or theater name, and to name groups of one large and many small rocks or islands in the sea (see for example Hen and Chicken Islands)

Roosters can usually be differentiated from hens by their striking plumage, marked by long flowing tails and shiny, pointed feathers on their necks and backs (the hackles and saddle)—these are often colored differently from the hackles and saddles of females.

However, in some breeds, such as the Sebright, the cock has only slightly pointed neck feathers, the same colour as the hen's. The identification must be made by looking at the comb, or eventually from the development of spurs on the male's legs (in a few breeds and in certain hybrids the male and female chicks may be differentiated by colour). Adult chickens have a fleshy crest on their heads called a comb or cockscomb, and hanging flaps of skin either side under their beaks called wattles. These organs help to cool the bird by redirecting blood flow to the skin. Both the adult male and female have wattles and combs, but in most breeds these are more prominent in males.

Domestic chickens are not capable of long distance flight, although lighter birds are generally capable of flying for short distances, such as over fences or into trees (where they would naturally roost). Chickens will sometimes fly to explore their surroundings, but usually do so only to flee perceived danger. Because of the risk of escape, chickens raised in open-air pens often have one of their wings clipped by the breeder—the tips of the longest feathers on one of the wings are cut, resulting in unbalanced flight which the bird cannot sustain for more than a few meters, and it is thus discouraged from flying at all.


Friday, September 1, 2017

Chicken Enchiladas

Chicken enchiladas with cheddar cheese, sour cream, and corn tortillas.

1 tablespoon plus 1/4 cup oil
2 (4 ounce) cans chopped green Chile peppers
1 large clove garlic, crushed and minced
1 large can (28 ounces) tomatoes, drained, reserve juice
2 cups chopped onions (2 large onions)
2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon oregano
3 cups cooked shredded chicken
2 cups sour cream
2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese
15 corn tortillas

In a skillet over medium-high heat, heat 1 tablespoon oil. Add the Chile peppers and garlic; sauté until garlic is soft but not browned. Break up tomatoes and add to Chile peppers along with the chopped onions, 1 tsp salt, oregano and 1/2 cup of the reserved tomato liquid. Simmer uncovered until thick, about 30 minutes. If it thickens too quickly, add a little more of the tomato liquid or a little water, if necessary. Remove tomato sauce from heat and set aside.

In a bowl, combine chicken, sour cream, and shredded cheese. Heat 1/3 cup oil in a skillet over medium-high heat until hot. Using tongs, dip tortillas in hot oil for a few seconds, just until they become limp. Drain the tortillas well on paper towels. Fill tortillas with chicken mixture. Roll up and arrange side by side, seam-side down, in a 9x13x2-inch baking dish.

Pour tomato sauce over enchiladas and bake at 350° until heated through, about 20 minutes. This casserole can be frozen then reheated in the oven until hot.


Chicken Cage Design For Layer

Many Chicken Cage Design For Litter and Cage System

Layer chicken Farming is favor by farmer because can make income for longer time and low maintain on the daily activity if you can manage farming in the right way. Different with broiler chicken farming that can be stop after one month because chicken broiler already sold. Wrong manage on farming of layer chicken can make farmer lose even bankrupt. One you have build chicken layer farming you must manage this farm continuously because you just can take the result after 6 months. It's mean that your chicken just starting egg. In order you can manage with efficient time and production cost you must make research first before serious build a big farming for this business.

As on my article before you may be already read about how to choose the design from chicken drinker that is suitable for your farming. Not all my observation is already best for your farming, but you must choose and observe the possibility and effectiveness of  each kind of model. This time we just make some overview of each kind of cage that already made by many farmer on doing their business. I my self have been applied one of cage model on my own experience on chicken farming formerly.

On the first time you build your chicken layer farming you must familiar with many kind of chicken diseases and how to avoid these kind of disease. Your also think the farming organization in order the business running can go smoothly.

The below picture are examples of Layer chicken and some overview from me that may be can make you more understand about chicken layer cage and can make review by your self.

Usually design of chicken layer cage is battery system because it can make you easily to take eggs from your chicken. Battery system cage can use after your chicken have 5 months, because on 6 months age your chicken begin egg.

Large Chicken Cage

This cage is using big ventilation and suitable for tropical climate, this design must modified if you apply in subtropical climate. Ventilation must be able to arrange when need operate and when should be closed. This cage is expensive because build from aluminum alloy so can be stand for long time.

Why people don't use litter system for layer chicken because litter system will need area four time bigger than battery system.

Comparison of Chicken Cage System

But for health and efficient consideration people also build layer chicken in Litter system with egg nest of course. This cage is cheap and suitable for your that want to farm only hundred or two hundred layer chicken.

Small Litter Chicken Cage

Or you may be will farm more of layer chicken with litter system because you have large land you can make fence outside your land and build a farm inside, you will no need cage maintenance and don't need to accumulate waste that sometimes make trouble for you and your neighborhood because of chicken waste is very smell.
Large Litter Chicken Cage

In Africa they build a big litter cage for Layer chicken, chicken always lays their eggs on the nest, they can fly and egg on the nest. This litter cage make chicken can move freely not limited by space like in the battery cage. Chicken look more health than on battery system. Finally what kind of cage you will use its depend you your availability. To choose litter cage may you need cheaper for cage but you need wider land to make you can farm in large chicken number.

Litter Chicken Cage

Chicken Source

Basically Chickens same with human are omnivores and the wild, they often scratch at the soil to search for seeds, insects and even larger animals such as lizards or young mice. Chickens in nature may live for five to eleven years depending on the breed. In commercial intensive farming, a meat Chicken generally lives only six weeks before slaughter.

Normally chicken can’t fly high but on depressor condition chicken can fly and jump a high fence. These conditions can happen when chicken feel too hungry or because of penned in wall surround with high fence. Sometime chicken can escape by fly and jump over the fence.

Red Junglefowl – found in India (species: Gallus Gallus).

The chicken (Gallus gallus, sometimes G. gallus domesticus) is a domesticated fowl which is traditionally believed to have descended from the wild Red Junglefowl found in India (species: Gallus Gallus). However, some genetic research has suggested that the bird likely descended from both Red and the Grey Junglefowl (G. sonneratii). Although hybrids of both wild types usually tend toward sterility, recent genetic work has revealed that the genotype for yellow skin present in the domestic fowl is not present in what is otherwise its closest kin, the Red Junglefowl. It is deemed most likely, then, that the yellow skin trait in domestic birds originated in the Grey Junglefowl.

As the species spread domestication occurred throughout multiple sites in Asia—including India where it was used for cock fighting. From India the domestication of chicken spread throughout Near East, Africa and the Greco-Roman world.

The chicken is one of the most common and widespread domestic animals. With a population of more than 24 billion in 2003, there are more chickens in the world than any other bird. Humans keep chickens primarily as a source of food, with both their meat and their eggs consumed.
