Thursday, January 20, 2011

Mixed Chicken Livestock

Chicken livestock that live in the daily live can be mixed derivatives from many kind of chicken that available on that area. The result mixed actually varies sometime good but sometime bad. Good chicken derivatives can stand for longer life and breeding with many kind of chicken too, bad derivatives chicken often time dead faster than the normal age naturally being eliminated, even though sometime could have offspring. This bad derivatives will naturally eliminated again until of them are finished.

Those natural system make selection for good properties of chicken, that is why domestic chicken more resistant to diseases attack, because this chicken have passed those selection system. People create or select the properties of chicken from one or two goal, like to select chicken that have many egg production or chicken for meat. But unfortunately people have difficulties to select chicken with many good properties, because have a huge parameter that interact each others. People just select chicken with one or two goal properties, then they must conditioning the need of chicken to live, this condition make farmer sometime have difficulties make chicken breeding from that kind of chicken.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Chicken Strip

If you have a funny idea, jokes or funny story about the social location based media like,,,, (with location),, etc. You can send your funny idea to chikencontest at gmail dot com.

This time purely not just comic strip, just a not of blogging about the random activity of Hack of Kindness II that last week open.

RHOK is an event hackathon that begin by several peoples idea of world bank, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and NASA. A number programmers meet together along weekend together hacking and formulate the IT for several world problems, especially about nature disaster.

The second event is conduct in the separate world at the same time and in Indonesia the host use Australian Indonesia Facility for Disaster Reduction (AIFDR). Recorded about 30 participants involved on 6 projects, involved several programmer basic (PHP, Python, .net, Ruby, Jaya etc.) the amazing are can be collaborate with many topics. The problem many of local activist don’t familiar with opensource system, they can’t understand and modified of the main project Risk in a Box guided by Dr. Ole Nielsen. Beside the front end using Ruby on Rails, this software properties are “pre-disaster”: calculation and modeling impact to the disaster in certain population area.

Look for another chicken food: