CRD and Salmonella in Chicken
Mycoplasma causes the chicken have respiratory diseases affects both chickens, turkey and other birds. This disease also knows as chronic respiratory disease (CRD), this disease often attack to adult chicken. Chicken that attack by this disease often have lower egg production but rare death. Because the eggs production will not give any benefit anymore they were rejected for human consumption.
CRD disease produce cold like symptoms, swelling under the eyes and inflamed on respiratory organs. This disease is very highly contagious, so will attack to the whole flock for infection. The effective treatment for this disease include broad spectrum antibiotics, given through food, water or injection.
Other chicken diseases that should be careful is salmonella. When the chicken going bigger, the owner must watch for this disease because it affects the eggs and the meat. The sign of salmonella attack are dejection, low appetite, excessive thirst, a reluctance to move, ruffled feathers and yellowed diarrhea. Treatment for salmonella attack include antibiotics such as amoxicilin. Prevention is more easy than cure. Also the chicken can give a vaccination for this diseases for prevention.