Broiler Chicken
The broiler chicken prefer to breed by farmer because of fast bigger and fast to make money. Currently the price of chicken meat is rising up because of farmer condition on last month. The market needed will rise up again on the December because of Natal and New Year. Broiler prices decline on last month because of the austere/festive season resulting in poor offtake. This condition make the farms were running in half of their capacity make the shortage availability of Broiler chicken on the market.
Meanwhile the price layer birds and eggs remain constant in India and Indonesia. The price of poultry feed remain stable during last month. According to the data availability with Poultry Federation in India, maize production this year is estimated at a record 21 million tonne. This mean there would be no supply constraint. While in Indonesia the maize production is very dropped because of long dry season. This may affect the balance availability of maize in the world.